Domačinka na Diners Cubo golf igrišču Ljubljana, Katja Pogačar, se bolj ali manj redko mudi v domovini.
Obveznosti in tekmovanja krojijo njen urnik. Ni vedno lahko… O zadnjih zgodah in nezgodah, ko je ostala brez dela svoje opreme pred pomembnim turnirjem, je spregovorila v svojem blogu.
Za pokušino tole… Katja svoj blog piše v angleškem jeziku, mi ga ohranjamo v originalu.
The best teacher are tough experiences when you are out of comfort zone and encountering problems. The past week was definitely the most educational week of the past two months regarding my golf game.
The reason for many difficulties last week at Ladies European Tour Access Series was that my luggage got hold up and didn’t arrive with me to the final destination, Helsinki Finland. Even more the airline couldn’t tell me it’s exact location. It has happen before that my clubs didn’t arrive with me to the destination when transferring flights. READ MORE